Муха - тренировка внимания

by Dmitriy Successon



Yes, in front of you good old "Fly" - known exercises to develop concentration. He was very fond of leading different trainings, speech therapists and teachers. The game helps to develop a good ability to focus on the task at hand without being distracted by external stimuli or their own thoughts that came to mind at the wrong time.    Play "Fly" is not only useful for development of attention. This exercise is recommended for children who confuse "right" and "left" as well as disgrafikov, especially if violations are writing from a lack of orientation in space.    Keep your attention on an invisible fly, mentally moving it on the field in accordance with the voice commands. "Fly" requires constant concentration: if distracted or thinking about something extraneous, you miss out on the fly and have to start the game again. At the end of playing time, click on the cell, where there should be a fly. When the correct answer will increase the size of the field, at the wrong - diminish. If the game gives you easy, try during the game does not look at the screen!    Add complexity can be configured. In the game mode is invisible fly, fly in the training mode does not disappear.    Warning - this is the most important quality that helps us from the huge amount of information to choose the right and reject the excess. Development of the ability to concentrate is very important in all areas of our lives. In training - in order to better understand and remember new information, the negotiations - hear the partner, without neglecting their interests in communication - to feel and understand the interlocutor, keeping in mind the subject. Yes, and in life itself - concentration on a selected target is not possible to give temporary difficulties lead you astray.    their attention control - this is the usual skill. It can be (and sometimes necessary) to train. Good service for the development of memory, attention and other cognitive functions - https://wikium.ru/r/du2kjafy